My comments on 5G in Colombia (YouTube link)

Posted on Friday, June 22, 2018

This is an interview in Spanish that I did after my presentation to ACIEMTelecom 2017 on 5G in Latin America.

Here are the conclusions from my presentation.

5G technology advances rapidly

  •      But there is a lack of work in the business plans for a massive deployment.
  •      The first use will be for wireless fixed broadband.
  •      The agility of configuring new services in the new 5G architecture can be much more important than just the new radio.

Latin America should contine to focus on massifying LTE

  •      CA allows speeds close to those of 5G.
  •      5G hotspots can appear in prestigious business areas.
  •      Industrial projects using 5G in private networks show their potential for early implementation.



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