I opened my (virtual) copy of Mexico’s Dinero – a normally serious business site – and read the following screaming headline:
¡100 veces más rápido! Este 2018 México tendrá capacidad para 5G
For non-Spanish speakers,
100 times faster! This 2018 Mexico will have the capacity for 5G
Thankfully for integrity’s sake, the very first sentence clarifies that the only thing which will happen in 2018 is that the 600 Mhz band will be freed up so that it can be auctioned between now and 2020 and then it might be used for 5G.
Why do I get the impression this article originally had a more accurate but more boring title and the editor decided to ‘jazz it up’?
I probably do not have to go through why this is ridiculous over-hype, but I will anyway to get it off my chest.
Confirming my hypothesis about extreme editor intervention, the rest of the article is a quite good, sober discussion of the spectrum situation in Mexico with a lot of discussion of mid-band opportunities. It is worth reading.
Ignore the title.
Unfortunately, this may ‘break the ice’. We could have other countries trying to get on the 5G hype bandwagon.
Well before operators are prepared to invest.
And, as a further reality check, when I looked at the article, the only comment in the feedback section said
“It could be 6G or 7G, but it is still very expensive”
Not great for the business case, at least on the mass-market side of the equation.
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