The last few weeks have been full of stories about (potential 5G) spectrum, mostly mid-band, some of it positive, some of it controversial. At least we cannot complain that the issue is being ignored (as it often was in the past).
Some recent tidbits:
As I have often said, I am skeptical about 5G happening within the next five years in Latin America, except for some very special essentially private applications like de-cabling robots in factories and emerging ideas in mining or agro-industry. The restricted physical range of these applications could use unlicensed spectrum if necessary.
‘Faster smartphones’ will come sooner from advanced flavors of 4G – so called 4.9G – than 5G. Even then much 5G in the consumer space (which will come eventually) will be managed with hot-spot implementations, the kind of thing done with unlicensed spectrum today. Verizon and AT&T’s wireless 5G broadband in 2019 is fixed not mobile. (Which is why I have no idea why anyone would get excited about a 5G-ready phone that does not do 5G.)
So I think everyone should just calm down on the 5G hype.
(Maybe only Canadians of a certain age will get this – and maybe only Montrealers – but check out this 1976 cartoon for what I am asking everyone to do.)
Today the priority should not be on what band.
For one thing, 5G is so voracious about spectrum that there will be implementations in lots of bands. The band standardization that was so important in 4G will be largely irrelevant: manufacturers will have to make their equipment work in almost any band.
Rather the big issue for Latin American regulators is reforming their concepts about spectrum management. For example,
These four topics are of major importance with significant leverage over how the industry will evolve over the next 20 years.
They will need a lot of work.
And they are a lot more important today than whether the band is 2.3 or 2.5 or 3.5 or 700 or…
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