That umbrella we employed it

Posted on Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Perhaps because I grew up and spent more than half my life in an Anglo-Saxon country, I do not really appreciate what the purpose of so-called ‘Ley Marcos’ – known in English as framework or umbrella laws – might be. The proposed Colombian Telecom umbrella law seems to be having a bad time of it. […]

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Forget that fear of gravity

Posted on Thursday, August 23, 2018

To start, let me acknowledge the problem: the business case for broadband in emerging markets gets very difficult the further away you get from major economic centers. Thus, Facebook’s experimentation with exotic technologies like this week’s 5G from hovering airships. The challenge is obvious. Emerging markets are often characterized by low average incomes exacerbated by […]

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Telefónica Industry Analyst & Customer Day’18

Posted on Monday, June 25, 2018

Roughly every 18 months or so, Telefonica holds a global analyst day. Because much of the focus is on enterprise solutions, customers are also invited. This is a “can’t miss” event: always well run, always interesting, always thought-provoking. Benjamin Button All of the execs gave presentations – some better than others – but they all […]

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