Come together

Posted on Friday, March 22, 2019

More news out of the British rural broadband market about a business model I wanted to write about anyway, with implications for Latin American markets. At least one reader I know will be happy the parade of farm animals continues. Come together. Right now. For network sharing (if you are in favor); national roaming (or […]

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For what it’s worth

Posted on Monday, March 11, 2019

I saw an interesting article this week by a UK-based website,, looking at the price per 1 GB of mobile broadband in 230 countries. That got me wondering about how the Latin American countries fared. The graph shows the average price by country for the Americas (as the authors define it) excluding Canada and […]

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Traveling to the beat of a different drum

Posted on Monday, January 28, 2019

Last week, Telefonica announced it was selling its Guatemala and El Salvador properties. No surprise there. But to America Movil! Big surprise. These two operators definitely travel to the beat of a different drum. This Telegeography article gives the details: US$333M for Guatemala and US$315M for El Salvador. The Guatemala deal closed already because the […]

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Compassion and vision

Posted on Friday, January 11, 2019

Before the holidays, I talked about my atrocious habit of tearing articles out of The Economist and letting them build up in a file folder until I finally get around to reading them. The good news is that I found two articles on the ethics of autonomous vehicles (AVs), a topic I discussed briefly in […]

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That umbrella we employed it

Posted on Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Perhaps because I grew up and spent more than half my life in an Anglo-Saxon country, I do not really appreciate what the purpose of so-called ‘Ley Marcos’ – known in English as framework or umbrella laws – might be. The proposed Colombian Telecom umbrella law seems to be having a bad time of it. […]

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