New MinTic in Colombia

Posted on Thursday, August 09, 2018

  A new Colombian government was sworn-in on Tuesday and that means a new Minister of ICT, known by its Spanish neologism “MinTic”. She is Sylvia Constaín who has worked for Apple and Facebook. Her full bio appears at the bottom, unofficially translated (by me) from the official MinTic press release. President Iván Duque’s inaugural […]

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Brazil announces new spectrum pricing rules. Why not throw them out completely?

Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Today the Brazilian regulator, ANATEL, announced a new spectrum pricing framework. A general article (in Portuguese) can be found here. The regulatory document is here. According to the news article – no I am not going to read the actual document, sorry – the formula tries to capture the value that an operator will derive […]

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5G over-hype comes to Latin America!!!!!

Posted on Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I opened my (virtual) copy of Mexico’s Dinero – a normally serious business site – and read the following screaming headline: ¡100 veces más rápido! Este 2018 México tendrá capacidad para 5G For non-Spanish speakers, 100 times faster! This 2018 Mexico will have the capacity for 5G Thankfully for integrity’s sake, the very first sentence […]

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Colombian government sets mínimum price for “ColTel” shares

Posted on Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I get a perverse kick out of seeing news articles that seem coded so that no one really understands what is going on. La Republica, July 17, 2018, Precio mínimo de acciones de participación de la Nación en Coltel será $2.075 Come on. How many out there know what ColTel is? Or why the Colombian […]

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Do you want your Minister to be a telecom expert or a good politician?

Posted on Tuesday, July 03, 2018

There will be a new government in Colombia on August 7th and the ICT Minister has not been named and there will be a new government in Mexico on December 1st but the Minister of Communications has already been named. If you had your choice – which you don’t – what kind of Minister would […]

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