I’m not actually lying in the sun (although the weather in Bogotá is better than it has been) and I am not being lazy. But no ‘grand idea’ suggested itself for today so here are a bunch of random notes inspired by recent tweets / events AS IF I had been just “lyin’ in the […]
Read MoreAs I reported a few weeks ago, Colombia’s new President (Iván Duque sworn in on August 7th) brought a new Minister of ITC (aka MinTIC), Silvia Constaín. Now she has given her first interview and laid out what her priorities will be. The interview in El Tiempo was a week before her first major speech […]
Read MoreThe last few weeks have been full of stories about (potential 5G) spectrum, mostly mid-band, some of it positive, some of it controversial. At least we cannot complain that the issue is being ignored (as it often was in the past). Some recent tidbits: Brazilian regulator (Anatel) head, Jaurez Quadros “clarifies” that the 3Ghz band […]
Read MoreThe usually well-managed and relatively calm Chilean regulatory scene has exploded over the past few months into open warfare between the operators, the regulator and the courts. The implications for mobile broadband are huge. The opening salvo concerned the 3.5GHz band. On June 20th, 2018, Chilean regulator Subtel suspended the use of this band pending […]
Read MoreThis thought went through my mind at three separate times in the last week. Once when listening to a new survey on Internet use in Colombia, once when reading a Nokia announcement about a contest to find interesting IoT applications in Brazil and once when reading an email from TMForum. First the Nokia contest because […]
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