That umbrella we employed it

Posted on Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Perhaps because I grew up and spent more than half my life in an Anglo-Saxon country, I do not really appreciate what the purpose of so-called ‘Ley Marcos’ – known in English as framework or umbrella laws – might be. The proposed Colombian Telecom umbrella law seems to be having a bad time of it. […]

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She’s a rainbow

Posted on Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Last week Colombia’s MinTIC issued a press release on Minister Constaín’s remarks to kick off the 8th International Spectrum Congress, held in Bogotá. I attended once many years ago and it was so far over my head technically that I have never been back. But the Minister made some important strategy statements, especially about the […]

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The futility of ex-post market-share control

Posted on Friday, October 19, 2018

A few weeks ago, I attended the Colombian Engineers’ Association (ACIEM) annual telecom conference. I am on the program committee so somewhat honor-bound to be there, but I would go anyway because it is one of the best small conferences of the year. Every time there is a C-level panel from the major operators and […]

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Loan me a dime

Posted on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 is an excellent webpage and associated newsletter on the social benefits of the mobile industry. For someone as cynical as I am, it is a welcome antidote. A recent article on mobile payments in Venezuela, however, was a bit too optimistic. Building mobile payments momentum in Latin America has been difficult and I do […]

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Share the land

Posted on Friday, September 21, 2018

The national backbone project in Peru has come under heavy criticism. A similar network in Colombia is limping along. The Mexican shared 4G network has finally signed up its first customer. What is wrong? The Peru story is the most recent and most detailed so I will focus more on that situation. Regulator Osiptel reported […]

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