Last week, Telefonica announced it was selling its Guatemala and El Salvador properties. No surprise there. But to America Movil! Big surprise. These two operators definitely travel to the beat of a different drum. This Telegeography article gives the details: US$333M for Guatemala and US$315M for El Salvador. The Guatemala deal closed already because the […]
Read MoreThe national backbone project in Peru has come under heavy criticism. A similar network in Colombia is limping along. The Mexican shared 4G network has finally signed up its first customer. What is wrong? The Peru story is the most recent and most detailed so I will focus more on that situation. Regulator Osiptel reported […]
Read MoreI’m not actually lying in the sun (although the weather in Bogotá is better than it has been) and I am not being lazy. But no ‘grand idea’ suggested itself for today so here are a bunch of random notes inspired by recent tweets / events AS IF I had been just “lyin’ in the […]
Read MoreI opened my (virtual) copy of Mexico’s Dinero – a normally serious business site – and read the following screaming headline: ¡100 veces más rápido! Este 2018 México tendrá capacidad para 5G For non-Spanish speakers, 100 times faster! This 2018 Mexico will have the capacity for 5G Thankfully for integrity’s sake, the very first sentence […]
Read MoreThere will be a new government in Colombia on August 7th and the ICT Minister has not been named and there will be a new government in Mexico on December 1st but the Minister of Communications has already been named. If you had your choice – which you don’t – what kind of Minister would […]
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