This thought went through my mind at three separate times in the last week. Once when listening to a new survey on Internet use in Colombia, once when reading a Nokia announcement about a contest to find interesting IoT applications in Brazil and once when reading an email from TMForum. First the Nokia contest because […]
Read MoreYesterday I complained that high spectrum prices were limiting network deployment, especially in emerging markets. I said that the desire to maximize state revenue was compromising the objective of making countries more competitive through advanced technologies. But I am just some guy sitting at his laptop in Bogotá so why should you listen to me? […]
Read MoreToday the Brazilian regulator, ANATEL, announced a new spectrum pricing framework. A general article (in Portuguese) can be found here. The regulatory document is here. According to the news article – no I am not going to read the actual document, sorry – the formula tries to capture the value that an operator will derive […]
Read MoreI opened my (virtual) copy of Mexico’s Dinero – a normally serious business site – and read the following screaming headline: ¡100 veces más rápido! Este 2018 México tendrá capacidad para 5G For non-Spanish speakers, 100 times faster! This 2018 Mexico will have the capacity for 5G Thankfully for integrity’s sake, the very first sentence […]
Read MoreI get a perverse kick out of seeing news articles that seem coded so that no one really understands what is going on. La Republica, July 17, 2018, Precio mínimo de acciones de participación de la Nación en Coltel será $2.075 Come on. How many out there know what ColTel is? Or why the Colombian […]
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